General Scoring
3 points for a win by submission or withdrawal by your opponent.
1 point for a draw.
0 points for a loss.
Athlete with the most points against their opponents wins their bracket. If there is a draw for a placing, Overtime will determine the winner.
Please refer to rules for each age bracket/belt bracket to become familiar with legal techniques for your devision.
DHGS Tie Breaker Rules
ALL ties to determine medaling athlete will be determined by a Tie Breaker, no double medals will be presented.
KIDS AND YOUTH (ages 5-12)
Tie Breaker will be determined by first takedown, a takedown being a movement starting from standing causing the opponent to land on their back, side or seated with top player establishing control for three seconds. In a scramble situation where both athletes go down uncontrolled the first athlete to establish top control for 3 seconds wins.
TEEN and ADULTS Tie Breaker 13+
There will be one single 3 Minute round, in which if there is no submission in the allotted time, they go directly into the DHGS Offence and Defense rounds.
DHGS Offense and Defense Rounds
-Each player shall play one round of Offence and one round of Defense.
-Fastest submission wins.
-in the case that both players escape, fastest escape wins.
-in the case of one Submission, one Escape. Submission beats escape, regardless of elapsed time.
Player 1 escapes in 10 seconds.
Player 1 scores submission in 45 seconds.
Player 1 is winner.
Player 1 scores sub in 30 seconds,
Player 2 has 30 seconds to score submission or match is called and player 1 is winner.
Player 1 scores sub in 1 min.
Player 2 scores sub in 30 seconds.
Player 2 is winner.
Starting position is determined by a coin flip. Winner of coin flip chooses offence or defense. Offensive Player may choose between 2 starting positions.
Offensive Player: starts with seat belt grip, and both hooks in.
Defensive Player: gets two hands on the arms and chin tucked.
ARM BAR/SPIDERWEB POSITION (offensive player picks which side of defensive player to attack)
Offensive Player: Shall have one arm laced through defensive players arms, one hand, palm down on mat, with both soles of their feet on the mat.
Defensive Player: May have hands locked with grip of choice or “figure 4” with both hands visible (no lacing hand under their knee)